The Truth in Politics

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Here is the truth of the matter.

For those who may be interested, nothing that is being played out on TV right now matters.  Here is the truth of the matter.  And is very easy to look up yourself for verification.

Article of Impeachment 1.  Obstruction of Congress.   Verdict NOT GUILTY.

Reason - Cannot obstruct Congress when the "subpeona" was not sent to court to be enforced.  Per the House website.

A subpeona from the House of Representatives is an invitation to any Executive Branch personnel it is extended to.  If that person chooses not to appear, the subcommittee requesting that person needs to notify the Speaker immediately.  The Speaker has to call for a full House vote on a Resolution of Contempt.  Said Resolution of Contempt is then transmitted (if passed by simple majority) to the US Attorney for the District of Columbia to be brought before the United States District Court.  The Presiding Judge will then ask for the relevant information pertaining to why this person should be forced to testify.  If the information has a legal or legislative reason, the Judge rules in Congress favor and the Sgt at Arms is ordered to arrest said person and bring them to the House of Representatives for testimony. 

This was not done.  None of it.  Cannot hold someone in Contempt when they said no to an invitation.  Therefore, Trump is NOT GUILTY of Obstruction of Congress. 

Article of Impeachment 2.  Abuse of Power    Verdict NOT GUILTY

Reason - Cannot abuse power when asking for the enforcement of Treaties signed by previous Presidents and ratified by Congress.

The Treaty with Ukraine signed in 1999 by President William Jefferson Clinton and Ratified by the United States Senate, compels the United States and Ukraine to work together to fight corruption.  If (and this is a big if) Trump asked the President of Ukraine to investigate  Biden, Burisma or any other corruption, that is well within the Treaty and actually required.

Read the actual text of the Resolution supporting the Impeachment Inquiry.  The Resolution does not actually give the Intelligence Committee Subpeona power, because it cannot.  The only Subcommittee that can be granted subpeona power is the Judiciary.  There was no resolution authorizing them to have subpeona power.  They also never went to Court to enforce the "Subpeona" because they couldn't.  This was a game from the beginning.

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